From finding relevant media contacts to sending eye-catching visual press releases, Prowly has everything you need to get media coverage.
Full access, no CC required, free 7-day trial
Use location and industry filters to find the most relevant people to your story from a database counting over 1,000,000 media contacts.
The media contacts in Prowly's database are updated daily, so whatever contact details you're looking for are always up-to-date.
Journalists can receive hundreds of emails & pitches per day. Stand out from the crowd by sharing your story in a visual way.
Use Prowly's drag & drop editor to create press releases that can include photos, videos & more.
Forget about clogging up journalists' inboxes – share your press release with a simple lightweight link.
Sending effective media pitches shouldn't require you to send them one-by-one.
Use personalization tokens, contact filters & scheduling options to send the right message to the right person at the right time.
Get your message safely delivered to journalists' inbox (and not the junk folder) with Prowly's pitching technology.
Get smart suggestions on which contacts are likely to bounce or not open your email to maintain a high sender reputation.
Stop having to blindly follow up when doing media outreach. Get detailed statistics for your pitch emails such as open and click-rates or email deliverability.
Create filters for people who opened or clicked on a link in your pitch, and follow up with a personalized email.
The media contacts database we received from Prowly resulted in over 60 high-quality publications in global media. I definitely recommend it to anyone who’s serious about PR and wants to get more media coverage.
Ewelina Głocka
Regional PR Manager CEE & Nordics
Huawei Consumer Business Group
We believe our PR outreach tool delivers. That’s why we let you test it completely free of charge for 7 days, no CC required, no strings attached. Create a brand newsroom, send press releases and get search access to our media database so you can see if it’s a match for you.
Full access, no CC required, free 7-day trial